"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and hope I have been on a par with them"

Liesel Meminger>

[The Book Thief, Markus Zusak]

My Practice and Observation Weeks (1 and 2)

My first practice and observation week
I practiced with the group of 2 ° "A" High School "Técnica No. 43."
The topic that I taught the second year was "Body Parts and health." As a result, at the end of the sessions is that students should learn the vocabulary of body parts and certain diseases.
§      Objectives of the first and second practice
 Objectives of the First Practice
The objectives relating to the "Body Parts" from my first practice was that the students know the parts of the body and could identify. For this purpose the following design:
1. A Power Point presentation to show them the picture of a famous person with all body parts. Also famous cuts took them for them to stick together in your notebook and be pointing in this part of the body and face.
2. A text in which students identify the parts of the body.
3. To help students reinforce the vocabulary learned by playing lottery (in pairs). This also meant realize how well they learned the vocabulary or not.
However, in addition to the thematic objectives, I asked myself the goal of speaking to the students as much as possible in English and improve my use of blackboard.
§      Objectives of the Second Practice
My initial objectives for the second practice were:
1. That students know and identify diseases. To do my work was to show flashcards with diseases.
2. Have students work in teams of 3 members identified in the text, certain diseases.
3. Students use the vocabulary to make a team and then dialogue would then present to their peers.
§      Problems of the first and second practice
I believe that the most important problems I had in the first practice, since the group I worked with was a group that is very easily distracted. He had several students' classroom humorous, "which constantly interrupted the class to tell their funny comments, that led the whole group laugh on many occasions during class, and it was very difficult to get your attention, plus it could only retrieved by very short time spans of attention and then dispersed again.
On the second day I think I had a problem of time, as one of the strategies to solve problems exposed during the first session and I will explain in detail below, was to lay students in my view, disarming groups of friends. It took me an important part of the class and prevented me from completing the planned activities.
§      Solutions to problems
When I realized that my group was quite talkative, with students "funny" and that is very easily distracted chose to adopt the following strategies for my second class:
1. Changing the planning of the second class.
During the two days I went with students to the school media room, to present the material he had prepared.
That during the first day involved a mismatch in the time planned, it would not let me do all the planned activities. Why can not the lottery. At first I thought of routes for the next class, but eventually chose to dismiss this activity as I thought it would be a distraction too easy for a group that was already a bit complicated.
Also, I realized that my planning included various team activities and thought I would be hard to control the group if they kept these activities, so after all my planning for the second class was as follows.
• First: End of teaching vocabulary.
• Second, that students identify text in various parts of the body.
• Third: Make an exercise in listening, that they audibly identify body parts.
• Fourth: Show the flashcards with disease.
• Fifth: To help students identify the disease. Using worksheets and alphabet soup.
* All activities would be carried out individually.
2. Change the jokes in "jokes in english"
During my first class, the first thing I did was to make students know the classroom rules, rules like "Do not talk when someone else is speaking," "Pay attention", "Raise your hand" and so on. So at the beginning of the second class introduced a new rule: "You can tell jokes all they want, provided they are in English."
I think this strategy worked quite well, because when someone spoke Spanish immediately told him that he could not, he should say what I want in English. Students still do not have enough vocabulary to make jokes, so you better be kept quiet.
3. Modify the show's organizers.
To take them to the media room during the second class I settled. Something I noticed is that students, apparently by choice, sat apart, the girls on one side and the other children, so that mixing would personally accommodate a child with a girl and so on, also sat at the "distracting" to the front.
This strategy is effective and counterproductive at a time. On the one hand was effective because I got much more attention in class, but it backfired because I lost too much time sitting one by one.
After my second class, I realized that I still need to have more control over my time, because I could not finish all activities. This was due in part to accommodate them as I soon found, as mentioned above. On the other hand I was also forced to revise task at the time of the class, although I know that this should not be done, and I dismissed it even longer. And finally, I think they show too vocabulary of body parts, probably because not all the vocabulary needed for expressing disease, then I could not move to the next phase of the subject.
I believe I can implement strategies for future use, to help me improve my control over the times are:
1. Be more aware of the clock, to meet most of the activities.
2. My class to focus on core vocabulary that students need to achieve the objectives. If you want to go into more detailed vocabulary that is through the doubts that arise for students or later classes.
§      Resources used in practice, the description of their implementation and results.
The resources used in class were:
Changes in the tone of voice, I used especially in the first class to maintain control of the group, although it was not very effective, as he ended nearly voiceless and the attention is dispersed again.
Blackboard: I used the normal and the electronic board. I wrote down the left side the classroom rules, to remain throughout the class. In the middle was the Power Point vocabulary and new vocabulary right noted that students were asking. I think I improved in terms of the distribution of information, because everything was given to the students and I think they could more easily understand the above on the board.
Repeat Exercise: Despite being a behavioral exercise, I wanted to test the repetition with students, as recently found that this could be useful in learning a foreign language. So the exercise was that students stand up, repeat after me the word I said and pointed out in his own body. I think the results were positive, and it achieved a real partnership with vocabulary. Although I think that abuse of this exercise many times and I should not do so because the students are bored or you can take my time.
• Power Point Presentation: I presented a picture of a famous artist (Shakira) in which they appeared one by one each body part. I think it was a suitable material that quickly caught the attention of students.
• Scraps of famous people: I took cuttings of 4 different characters that I thought might like children and they are handed out. I also liked that, because they were excited about the cuts. The result was positive, because if used to identify the body parts in your notebook.
• Reading: A text in which they could identify parts of the body. Students should enclose the vocabulary we had seen. It worked quite well, for the review activity from across the room, there was great participation and the entire group found all the words.
• Listening: Students listen and read the fragments of two songs ("Tik Tok" and "Just the Way You Are") mentioned in the body. There were blank spaces that they should fill in the missing words. On the one hand, it was an activity that brought good results, it attracted the attention of students and wrapped in the activity, also for your comments, I realized that is a type of activity not do very often, but if like. While on the other, expected to fail to understand all the words, but most students did not understand them all.
§      Conclusion
The group of 2 ° "A" was a group that was hard for me and put me off at first. But at the end of the internship experience was quite nice, because I think I managed to reduce the main problem was: the rapid dispersion of attention. I really enjoyed working with this group since the end of the day, children who were the focus of the group distractors were the most participatory and more committed to the class.
Although I believe that the strategies I used to solve my initial problem were a great help, I also generated another problem: reduced time-class.
On the other hand I think that I now do a much more effective board. Well before I wrote was pretty disorganized and carry around without an order. During the day I realized that applying the proper technique of using board is not difficult and can be quite helpful to understanding.
Finally, I think I still need to improve two important aspects. The first one, which has cost me more work, time management. I still have to work hard to measure my time well so you can finish at least most of the activities, I think I should learn to watch the clock constantly and abide by the time I plan for each activity. The second aspect is that I need to improve the use of my voice, because when confronted by a group that is easily distracted, I think my voice is not enough to quickly recover your attention. So those are the aspects that require more effort, attention and strategies on my part.

My Second practice and observation week
I practiced with the group of  1° "D" High School "Técnica No. 43."
The class was a review of the topic "Actions in Progress."
§      Objectives
General: Students use the present continuous to describe what others are doing at the moment.
First class: Students reflect on achieving the correct structure of this continuum at the same time developing the skill of listening.
Corresponding Activities:
1. Presentation Power Point flascards actions in this continuum.
2. Identification of this mode: It showed a video from this leaves the students responded with exercises, which were selected among several responses, the best option according to what was presented in the video.
3. Listening exercise and Reflection on language: They showed students some images related to the song "lemmon tree" for them to make predictions. Then they noticed the correct use of language watching the video a few times and found writing the sentences using the present continuous.
Second class: Students describe a comic, using the structure of this continuum to indicate the actions that occur at the time.
Related activities:
1. Review of previous class, students wrote, using the present continuous, about what he had tried the video.
2. Description of a cartoon: the students were given a story with pictures and without words, they should write a sentence on each image, indicating what the character was doing at that time.
§      Problems during practice
During the first practice problem that arose was that the song "Lemmon Tree" was too complicated for students to exercise their listening, so when you hear the song not only was able to understand much of this was necessary to see the video, almost from the first time, to facilitate understanding. That was a problem because the activity was designed for students to hear the song if you see the video in the first instance, and thus practice their listening skills, play the video would be a strategy used as a last resort. However, by not fully understand the song began to get distracted and had to use the video.
The problem of the second practice was not so important, I think the problem was that the start of the class, students did not want to write about what he had tried the video of the last class, arguing that they did not have enough vocabulary to express however, after all the activity is group work and realized that if they could do the activity.
§      Solutions to problems
For the question of the song "lemmon tree," was used to let them see the video, because with the simple use of audio is not hugely successful song, however, as they saw the video will be facilitated understanding and were more involved in the activity.
As for the second practice, when I told the students the first activity to be performed during class, I noticed that most remained without writing anything, and when asked why, he responded that they know how. Then I asked them to review the video before the Spanish. Once he had finished most among all the ideas were telling me they had written and also among all told me how to express it in English. I liked the students who had involvement in this activity, and I liked also that ultimately noted that if they knew enough to express-
§      Resources used in practice, its application and results
• Organization of the room: not really used a modification of the spatial organization remained the same.
• Voice: There were changes in tone of voice to regain the attention of students, when it was lost, but it was a good group, who generally worked well.
• Flashcards: You showed a slide show with pictures and sentences in present continuous action. The objective of this activity was that students know the vocabulary and write down in your notebook, the objective was met.
• Listenings: We turned first to a pre-listening, this was to show some pictures for students to make predictions about them and introduce them to the activity. This exercise was successful because it attracted the attention of this group and participate. Later he planned to make them listen to the song without seeing the video, but we realized that it was still a little complicated activity and therefore the audio without video did not give good results, as students were distracted. Then, finally saw the video and were identified in present continuous action. I consider this last year if good results, because in general, students are able to identify the expected actions.
• Cartoon: The students were given a cartoon with pictures but not words, that they describe what was happening using continuous present. I think the activity was successful, because at the end of it, all had achieved the purpose, and most had done so correctly. However, I also need to strengthen the grammatical structure of this time, as some students forgot to write the verb "to be."
§      Conclusion
The group of 1 "D" was a fairly quiet, which did not have many problems working and to keep good conduct, nor had many problems so that the issue would be clear, though that was probably because he was a issue that had already seen. I do not think I had much chance to use the board, since the activities were not designed for it, although I would have liked more practice using blackboard, which is what they feel I should improve. I also believe that increasingly less work I detach myself from the "board area" and closer to the students.