"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and hope I have been on a par with them"

Liesel Meminger>

[The Book Thief, Markus Zusak]

jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

The planning*

*The success of a class in mainly based on the planning, because the planning will give the sense of organization to the teacher and to the students. The planning is the sketch elaborated by a teacher about the class he or she will give. Then the planning is the systematized sequence of all the activities that will occur during an hour of class.
The elements of the planning
A planning is composed by the following elements:

Interaction and time
Each one of the actions that will work for the students achieve the general objective of the class.
The general purpose of the lesson and the specific purposes of each activity.
-How the students interact between themselves (in pairs, groups,etc).  
-How much time takes to do an activity (8 minutes, 20 minutes, etc).
All the steps that should be followed for complete the activity.
Material the students will use, such as: books, markers, sheets of paper, recordings, etc.
After the class the teacher can write notes about what worked in the class and what didn´t, about the problems he/she had and the solutions he/she found.

The Bloom´s Taxonomy
The Bloom´s Taxonomy is the structure of skills that should be achieved by students for reach some kind of knowledge. It is ordered by levels, the first levels represent the skills that are easier to achieve, and the next ones are harder to achieve and require deeper mental structures.

Some notes...*

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